Zulaika Mutesi
Zulaika Mutesi was born on 26th October, 2008 and she is currently 14 years old. She is in Secondary Level One (S1), studying at St John’s Secondary School Wakitaka.
She lives in Buyala, a village in Jinja City, Uganda. Zulaika lives with both her parents. She has six siblings, four sisters and two brothers. Zulaika is the second eldest. Not all of Zulaika’s siblings attend school because her parents cannot afford it, and she considers herself lucky to be attending secondary level. Her parents show strong parental responsibility to make sure most of their children stay in school.
Zulaika’s mother sells fruits in Jinja central market and her Father is a businessman who is a beverage dealer. Zuula is a humble girl and she likes playing netball during her free time. She also focuses on her studies and wants a brighter and successful future for herself.