Win Chosen

Win Chosen was born on December 13, 2004 and is 20 years old. She finalized her Secondary Level in 2023 and she is now enrolling into University for a bachelor’s degree in Law.

She resides in Ivunamba village, Jinja city with her mother, Milly Mulonde who is a single mother after separating from her husband while Win was still young. Her mother grows maize, millet and sunflower as a source of income to cater for the family needs and her children’s school requirements. Win Chosen is the second born in a family of eight (8) children – four (4) girls and four (4)  boys. The first born completed school while the seven are still school going. 

Win Chosen is a focused, humble and friendly girl who likes studying, sports, reading novels and listening to stories. Her favorite color is pink. Win has always been consistent in her academics and is very focused on whatever she sets herself to do. Her dream is to become a lawyer upon completion of her studies.