Vicar Wafula

Vicar Wafula was born on 4th October, 2009  and he is currently 15 years old. He is in Secondary Level Three (S3)  at Jinja Progressive SecondarySchool .

Vicar resides in Kaitabawala, a village in Jinja City, Uganda. He lives with both his parents and three other siblings, one brother and two sisters. Vicar is the first born in his family and all his other siblings go to school. Vicar’s father is a tour guide at a campsite near S.O.U.L.’s office (Nile River Explorers) and his mother is a teacher. His parent’s value education and work hard to ensure that all their kids go to school and become successful.

 Vicar is a humble boy and during his free time he loves playing football with his friends. He is extremely hardworking and wants to become a scientist in his future.