Sulaiman Kirunda

Sulaiman was born on 10th July, 2002 and he is currently 20 years old. He has recently completed his Secondary Level Six (S6) and he is awaiting to join Kyambogo University to pursue a Diploma in computer engineering. He is a very social, humble and hard working person.
He stays in Kagamba, a village in Bugweri District, Uganda. Sulaiman is the fourth of five children, and all of them attend school. His father is a local chairperson in their Village and his mother is a part of their village health team. Their main source of income is farming and they enjoy doing this together as a family.
Sulaiman loves playing volleyball and computer games in his free time. His passion and curiosity for information technology has led him to choose a career in engineering. He hopes to use his scholarship opportunity to work hard and graduate with good grades. He is confident that a good job will enable him to support his family and other people who need help.