Sufurah Ali Nakisige
Sufurah Ali Nakisige was born on 20th November 2003 and she is currently 19 years old. She recently completed her Senior six (S 6) from M M college-Wairaka she is awaiting to join Kyambogo university for a bachelor of science in Human Nutrition.
She stays with both her parents in Namulesa, a village in Jinja district, Uganda. There are 10 children in their family and she is the 6th born. Of these, there are five girls and five boys. Currently only six of her siblings are going to school. Sufurah’s father is a head teacher of a local primary school in Buwenge town council in Jinja district, Uganda and her mother is a small-scale farmer who grows beans, maize and bananas for home consumption and income generation.
She enjoys playing any ball game with her favorite being volleyball. Sufurah greatly values her academics and she is so appreciative of the opportunity to attend school.