Shahafu Nyende
Shahafu Nyende was born on April 6, 2012 and is 11 years old. He is in Primary Three (P.3) at Busesa Mixed Primary School, Bugweri District.
Shahafu resides with both his parents in Namilyango Village, Bugweri district. His father, Rashid Nyende, is a peasant farmer who rears cows and goats whose offspring are sold or traded, which provides income to cater for the whole family. His mother, Nusula Nangobi, is also a peasant farmer who grows subsistence crops such as maize, beans, and ground nuts for home consumption and sale, in order to generate income. Both parents contribute to the family needs and their children’s educational obligations.
Shahafu has four (4) siblings – two (2) girls and two (2) boys. Unfortunately, his older sister ended her studies in Primary Six (P.6) due to financial constraints that led to her inability to remain in school. Fortunately, two of her siblings are still in school while the third is still young, but there is every intent to get him in school.
Shahafu is a social boy who likes watching vehicle races, playing with car-toys and traveling in matatus to distant destinations. Shahafu’s dream is to become a professional driver and establish a driving school to train more drivers, in order to reduce the many accidents on the roads. He believes that a trained driver can follow the rules of the road far better than an untrained driver.