Roy Peter Muduku

Roy Muduku joined the S.O.U.L. family as the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in March 2021, drawn to the vision of providing quality educational opportunities and health care to rural communities, regardless of their ethnicity or financial status. He has since been promoted to Lead Program Manager in February 2024. Roy graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda. He is the first to admit, he resisted working in statistics; however, he has grown to love the world of data due to the vast role played by numbers, trends and data analysis in telling the story of lives changed.
As part of his role as the Lead Program Manager, Roy is often in the field and feels most at home there, talking with program beneficiaries, and assessing impact utilizing qualitative and quantitative methodologies to summarize impact data for our Annual Reports. He also quite adept and passionate about photography and the role of traditional and social media in telling stories. In his leisure time, Roy loves to read a good book and has tried his hand at writing. Though not a proficient singer, he has exercised his vocal chops with a karaoke machine.