Rose Magoba

Rose Magoba was born on April 6, 1998 and is 26 years old. She is in Senior Six (S6) studying at Busoga Light College, Jinja City.
Rose resides in Bujagali Village, Jinja City, with her single mother Mariza Nalumansi. Her father is not taking any family responsibilities as he divorced her mother when she was still young. Rose says her mother is facing a big challenge in meeting the needs for her children because she lacks a permanent source of income. Rose is the first born with eight (8) siblings – four (4) girls and four (4) boys. Rose is the only child who goes to school because her mother is unable to cater for all her children’s school requirements.
She is a friendly and disciplined girl who respects everyone no matter the age difference. She likes singing, listening to music and playing football during her free time. Her dream is to become an entrepreneur.