Rita Wanyenze

Rita Wanyenze joined the S.O.U.L. Foundation in 2023 as a Midwife Consultant for our Maternal Health program. She studied at Nsambya School of Nursing and Midwifery where she received a Certificate in Enrolled Midwifery. She worked for close to a decade at St. Francis Nsambya Hospital and Mukwaya General Hospital in Kampala. With an innate ambition to improve her skills, she went on to pursue and acquire a Diploma in Midwifery from Mulago Hospital School of Nursing and Midwifery. After graduating, she worked at Rakai Health Sciences Program, funded by USAID, CDC and University Research Council, as a Research Assistant on a national Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Impact Evaluation focusing on Mukono District.
                                                                                                                                Her constant desire to further her education led her to return to school to study for her Bachelors in Nursing at International Health Sciences University (currently Clarke International University). Thereafter, she worked for several projects such as RHITES-NN Lango funded by USAID, and with organizations such as IntraHealth and The AIDS Support Organization (TASO) as a national mentor in clinical quality improvement as well as maternal and child health care services. She recently returned, yet again, to school, this time for a Masters in Public Health at Clarke International University. After graduate studies, she went into private practice, where she runs her private maternity clinic under the oversight of the Uganda Private Midwives Association.
                                                                                                                                Rita – or Auntie Rita as she fondly referred to by staff – has a beautiful persona and smile. She loves music, working with children, and adventure, such as visiting historic sites throughout Uganda. She has her own fruits and vegetable garden along with a mini-farm at home with goats, chickens, rabbits and pet dogs.