Rashida Nakagolo

Rashida Nakagolo was born on April 12, 2004 and is currently 19 years old. She is in Senior Three (S.3) at St. John’s Secondary School Wakitaka.

Rashida resides with her parents in Kabira village, Iganga District, Uganda. Her father, Siraji Kiyemba, is a retired soldier, who is now a small-scale farmer. His produce is for both home consumption and for sale as an extra source of income. His mother, Rehema Nalukwago, is a housewife. Rashida is the third born in a family of twelve (12) children; seven(7) girls and five(5) boys.Only three (3) children in Rashida’s household are school going. Others do not go to school due to their parents inability to provide for their school requirements. 

About two years ago, Rashida’s mother was diagnosed with cancer. Rashida became increasingly anxious as her mother’s health condition progressed. To make matters worse, whenever she went to the hospital with her mother for medication, they would receive poor customer service. Her mother’s poor treatment has motivated Rashida to concentrate on her science subjects so that she can become a nurse in the future. 

Rashida is a humble and friendly young woman who likes carrying out research during her free time and making friends whenever she is in a new environment. As a nurse, she intends to provide the best clinical experience for patients than what her mother has received so far.