Nesta Kirabo

Nesta Kirabo was born on 5th October, 2005 and she is currently 17 years old. She is in Senior Level Five (S5), studying at Iganga Senior Secondary School.

Nesta stays with both parents in Nalufenya, a village in Jinja City, Uganda. Her father, Alex Balese, is a teacher and her mother, Monica Teopilista, is a housewife. Nesta has five siblings, all who are girls. It is her father that is solely responsible for paying her school fees and fulfilling the family needs.  

 Nesta is a humble and friendly girl. She likes reading novels and the daily newspaper, and also loves narrating and listening to stories. She has currently taken up a combination of science subjects and her passion for science is so strong that she aspires to be a science teacher and make the subject interesting for all students!