Musa Isabirye

Musa Isabirye was born on 22rd March, 2010 and he is currently 13 years old. He is in Primary Level Four (P4) at Kyabirwa Primary School.
Musa stays in Kyabirwa, a village in Jinja City, Uganda. Since Musa’s parents reside in another village, he currently lives with his grandparents so he can walk to school easily. Musa’s father is a builder and his mother is a housewife but helps out on the family farms to grow crops. He is the eldest of three children and has a little baby brother and sister.
Musa really enjoys school and loves staying with his grandparents and other cousins. He plays a lot of football and spends quality time outdoors playing and watching his local community teams at matches. His dream is to become a driver and tour guide and take tourists from across the world on Ugandan safaris! He loves his country and thinks people need to see more of its wildlife.