Meddy Kaluba
Meddy Kaluba was born on November 23, 2023 and is currently 11 years old. He is in Primary Level Five (P5), studying at Busesa Mixed Primary School.
Meddy stays in Kagamba, a village in Bugweri District, where he lives along with his grandmother, Hadijah, his mother, Zaina Naigaga, and his five (5) siblings – four (4) sisters and one (1) brother. His parents separated while Meddy was still young, and his mother is his primary caregiver. Meddy’s grandmother runs a small business, while his mother sells second-hand clothes. Through their combined hard work, both these women look after all the children and provide for their basic needs. Unfortunately, three (3) of Meddy’s siblings do not attend school because of the limited household income.
Meddy is a humble and responsible boy and loves making new friends. His favorite subjects are science and math. When he graduates from high school, he wishes to pursue physics and math. His dream is to be an engineer and contribute to the building of stronger infrastructure in Uganda!