Mahad Kakaire

Mahad was born on July 4, 2015 and is currently seven years old. He is in Primary Level Two (P2), studying at Busesa Mixed Primary School.

Mahad resides in Kagamba, a village in Bugweri district, in Eastern Uganda. He lives along with his grandparents, Mr. James Isabirye and Miss. Elizabeth Nabirye who earn their income from small scale produce of maize grain. Mahad has 10 siblings, three sisters and seven brothers. Both his parents immigrated to Saudi Arabia to work as domestic helpers, just to ensure a better life for their children. Through their combined income, they hope to support their children and provide for their basic needs and good education.

 Mahad is a sociable person with good listening skills and he also loves narrating stories to friends. He is self-driven and often finds joy in accomplishing his school assignments on time. His favorite subject is English and he has a strong desire to become a Journalist in the future.