Lawrence Mubiru

Lawrence Mubiru was born on 28th February 2011 and he is currently 12 years old. He is in Primary Level Four (P4) at Kyabirwa Primary School.

He stays in Kyabirwa, a village in Jinja City, Uganda. He resides with his mother and three siblings, all who are girls. Two of his sisters had to unfortunately drop out of school due to teenage pregnancy. Lawrence’s father neglected his parental responsibilities and it is now only his mother who looks after his personal needs and school requirements. His mother is a local cook and through her income, is committed to ensuring that Lawrence gets through school. 

Lawrence and his mother are so grateful to have S.O.U.L.’s support and he looks forward to having a sponsor who can help get him through his education. He is a smart and happy boy, and wants to be successful in life and be able to support his family and community.