Juma Odwori

Juma Odwori was born on 24th June 1999 and he is currently 25 years old. He is at Kampala International University pursuing Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery.

Juma stays with his family members in Ivunamba, a village in Jinja district. His father passed away when he was very young. At that time, he had not even started attending school. Juma’s mother has always been the sole contributor to his personal requirements since his childhood until his completion of secondary level. However she developed hypertension at the time he joined University. Juma then started contributing the required UGX600,000 (USD$200) by farming cash crops. 

Juma has six siblings – two girls and four boys. He is the last born. Two of his older siblings have completed vocational training while others didn’t complete their education due to financial hardship. Juma is approaching the finish line and is expected to graduate as a Medical Doctor in 2024! He is excited to help the people in his community, as well as his extended family.