Isaac Waiswa

Isaac was born on November 22, 2002 and is currently 21 years old.
He is in Senior Level Six (S6) at Jinja St Stephen Senior Secondary School.
He stays in Ivunamba Village, Jinja City, with his parents. His mother is a small-scale farmer and second-hand garment trader, while his father is a driver. Isaac sometimes contributes to family finances by frying and selling chapati after his school days and over the weekends. Isaac is also a twin! His twin sister is currently pursuing a training in hairdressing. During his free time, he supports his mother especially with her garden work. He also enjoys rearing domestic animals like chicken and goats.
Isaac describes himself as an introvert. Extremely humble and disciplined, he is currently focused solely on the completion of his education as evidenced by the effort he puts in to score good grades. In the future, he aspires to become a business manager.