Eva Nabirye
Eva Nabirye was born on May 29, 2006 and is 17 years old. She is in Secondary Level Four (S.4) at Good Heart Senior Secondary School.
Eva resides with her parents, Martin Kyozila and Annet Kisakye, in Buhenge Village, Bugweri District. Her parents are peasants who grow subsistence crops like cassava, maize and beans on a small scale for both home consumption and for sale to generate income to cater for the family’s needs and children’s school requirements.
Eva has three (3) siblings – one girl and two boys, who are still school going. Her favorite subjects are history, geography, commerce and english.
Her dream is to do well at her O Levels (high school) so she can be promoted to A Levels, where she can study History, Economics and Geography (HEG) combination. Eva is active in class and participates in extracurricular activities such as football, basketball and drama. While at school, Nabirye spends her free time with some teachers who inspire her to become a teacher. She would like to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Education at University and become a professional teacher.