Eunice Mutesi

Eunice was born on 16th July, 2005 and she is currently 17 years old. She is in Secondary Level three (S3), studying at Yunus Nkuntu Memorial Secondary School.
She lives in Bugweri, a District in Eastern Uganda; and she stays along with her parents and five siblings, two brothers and three sisters. Eunice’s parents are small scale farmers and earn their income by growing and selling fresh vegetables and grain.
During her free time, Eunice enjoys watching TV series and reading. She is a very social girl, with great leadership skills, and is currently her class captain! At school, Eunice is excelling in Biology and Mathematics, and she is also interested in learning more vocational skills like tailoring and hairdressing.
She would like to continue with her education and pursue her life goals, and your support through her journey will make life more meaningful for Eunice, her family and community!