Derrick Komakech

Derrick was born on 7 November, 2006 and he is currently 17 years old. He is a young man studying at St Stephen Secondary School, in Secondary Level Two (S2). 

Derrick lives in Kyabirwa, a village in Jinja City, Uganda. He lives with his mother, three siblings and five other members from his extended family. His mother sells fish and grows crops for her livelihood and Derrick’s father unfortunately passed away when he was five. His mother works hard and is determined to send Derrick and his other sister to school and make ends meet.

Derrick is an extremely humble and kind boy. He enjoys meeting new people and spending time with his schoolmates. He loves playing football and swimming in the River Nile. He is excited for this scholarship opportunity and is looking forward to having a sponsor who can be a mentor and help him get through his educational journey.