Anabel Mutesi

Anabel was born on 18th May 2016 and is seven years old. She is currently in Primary one at Busesa Primary School in Bugweri District Eastern Uganda.
She stays with her grandmother in Ibulanku village within Bugweri district who’s taking care of her after her parents’ separation while at the age of six months that led to her father remarrying another woman. She has three siblings, 1 boy and two girls. Her grandmother practices subsistence farming on a small scale which supports the family with milk as a product from the cows to help cater for the family’s needs.
Having mathematics as her best subject, Anabel desires to be a teacher upon completion of her studies . She enjoys dancing and her best dish is rice and meat.
Anabel is thankful to S.O.U.L Foundation for giving her the opportunity to be among the sponsored students and promises to keep working harder to maintain her good performance.