Abudrahim Waiswa

Abudrahim was born on May 9, 2014 and he is currently 9 years old. He is in Primary Level one (P1), studying at Busesa Mixed Primary School, Bugweri.
He stays in Ibulanku, a village in Bugweri District in Eastern Uganda. He lives with his mother, Ms Aisha Namaganda and his four siblings, one sister and three brothers. His parents divorced while he was a young boy and his mother now takes care of the children’s needs. Abdurahim’s mother is a small scale farmer, growing crops to sell and earn a small income for the family. Through her hard work, she hopes she can help Abdurahim get through his educational journey.
Abdurahim is a social boy, and enjoys spending time with his family and friends. Inspired by army men and their perseverance to protect people, his dream is to serve in the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), Uganda’s national army.